Mirc scripting tutorial
Mirc scripting tutorial

mirc scripting tutorial

Group merely simplifies things, your choice whether or not to use one. Description can be anything, but I recommend keeping it relevent. Step 5) Add as an IRC Server (for convenience).Email address is used by default for your username/ident, but you can put an address regardless of whether it is real or not.

mirc scripting tutorial

Full name will appear as your Real_name, its your choice whether to put your real name or not. Alt Nick is the Nick you'll switch to if there is already a connection with your primary nick. Step 4) Insert your information into the fields, Nick is the name under which you'll appear on IRC.Step 3) Click "Continue", if necessary you can switch over to another client/crack it/pay for a license.This is a fairly simple procedure, and you shouldn't need to modify any of the default install options. This involves browsing to, clicking the " Download mIRC" button, then downloading the installer from the CNET mirror. In the video above, I have chosen mIRC for obvious reasons. The video above illustrates setting up for 's server & main channel, I will expand upon the video below. It presumes that you are a Windows user, but the same effects can be achieved simply by adapting the instructions onto another IRC Client. I recommend this if you have no interest in anything beyond the bare minimum requirements of being able to talk to other people. This section is purely for the very basics of connecting to GBAtemp IRC. It exists mainly as a system of channels (group conversations) and private messaging (private conversations) on a server (or series of servers in a hub & leaf network configuration for latency).ĭespite it's age, it has proven resilient it is still widely used for a variety of purposes. Internet Relay Chat is a popular communication protocol that has been in existence since August 1988. Note: This guide is in two parts, click here to skip to the second post (Sadly some of my old modules won't recompile :<)ģ0th July 2010 - after over a year, mIRC has finally been updated to version 7.1, it is now completely unicode, and noticably faster.ġst August 2010 - updated guide to include services guide, news section, screenshots and more. 23rd July 2010 - eggdrop 1.6.20 has been released, with quite a few improvements.

Mirc scripting tutorial